Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hidup dan Tawakal

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera & Hello PEOPLE!!


'Cerita ini Hadiah untuk Ibu & Ayah bagi bulan Disember 2011'

24 September 2011 (Last day updated my blog) until 9 December 2011 (NOW!)..

Agak lama la kan nak update blog ni.. Hahaha!

There's lot of incident happen within this time range..

- 21/10 until 3/11 (MY FINAL EXAMNATION, PSPM 1 - Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi)
- 3/11 until 18/11 (Semester Break)
- 19/11 (Malaysia University English Test)
- 21/11 (The starting point of 2nd Semester for Matriculation Program)

I'm not going to elaborate more on the first until fourth point.. Just sekadar ingin berkongsi pengalaman sehari sebelum dan pada hari result keluar.. SubhanaAllah, kalau ingat-ingat kembali.. Perkataan 'Syukur' & 'Alhamdullillah' itu takkan pernah cukup nak disebut.. How great Allah is.. :')


5 December (A day before the result came out)
- Syuk takda pape perasaan pada petang tu, sebab 'timetable' agak 'pack' disamping banyak tugasan yang kena siapkan hari tu jugak.. Starting after prayed 'Solat Maghrib' at Surau An-Nur, KMPP.. Hati Syuk mula rasa cuak, gemuruh, takut, excited & pelbagai lagi perasaan yang bercampur-baur.. Syuk tahu yang malam tu ada Ceramah Maghrib.. Seikhlas hati nak dengar ceramah tu, but ada kuliah fizik tambahan.. Sob sob#

- On the way nak ke kuliah, Syuk jalan sorang2 tempat gelap & Syuk mula dengar & baca Surah Yassin from my 'iPod' hehe.. Dalam hati ni terus berdoa ke hadrat Ilahi untuk dikurniakan perasaan 'Tawakal' & 'Tabah' sebagai persiapan untuk menerima apa jua keputusan yang bakal diperolehi hari esok (6 Disember).. Jantung masa tu macam nak tercabut terkenangkan result. Honestly, Syuk takut hancurkan banyak harapan (Harapan Ibu Ayah, Keluarga, Pensyarah, Guru & Kawan) dengan result yang Syuk bakal peroleh..

- Air mata start berkumpul, hati dah bergelegak.. Then, Syuk cuba tahan (taknak la masuk kuliah, semua org tengok mata Syuk lebam sbb menangis.. Hahaha!).. Sambil2 Syuk dengar & baca Surah Yassin.. Tetiba rasa nak buka headphone kejap.. Lantar terus terdengar kata-kata dari 'Penceramah Kuliah Maghrib' kt surau tadi.. Ungkapannya "Usah Gentar, katakanlah ALLAH SENTIASA BERSAMAKU.." SUBHANALLAH!! ALLAHUAKBAR!! Air Mata Syuk terus menitis-nitis.. Beberapa saat kemudian, my favorite pensyarah fizik semester 1.. (Lecturer Sabariah) yang banyak beri dorongan, sokongan akademik & juga yang pernah berkata "Awak boleh dapat 4flat ni Syukri..."

Hanya Allah je yang tahu perasaan Syuk waktu itu.. Syuk pun takut hancurkan expectation pensyarah fizik Syuk tu.. Memang malam tu nangis mcm layan 'Ombak Rindu' laaa.. I guess terlebih-lebih nangisnya.. Hahahaha!

Then, Syuk bawa bertenang then kesat semua air mata yang ada.. Terus masuk Kuliah Fizik.. Duduk nuuuuuuuuuunn jauh kat bahagian atas skali dalam dewan kuliah tu.. (Taknak org perasan mata Syuk bengkak..) Alhamdullilah, Ilmu fizik malam tu selamat di'digest' oleh otak. :D

Tidur bukan main awal, penat dah melayan perasaanlah katakan.. BHAHAHA!


'Tawakal itu ibarat bunga yang sedang mekar'

6 December (RESULT DAYYY!!!!)

- Program matrik ni kalau result diorang suka sangat tampal 'BESAR-BESAR' kat papan kenyataan. Tak tahu apa motif diorg? Kekurangan kertas ke? Jimat dakwat printer ke? ape ke? hahahaha.. lupekan..

- Keputusan keluar pada 3 petang.. Bagi siapa yang dapat pointer bawah 1.5 kena 'keluar' atau nama kejam diorg panggil kena 'tendang'.. Below 2.0, they have to convert to Program Dua Tahun (PDT), durasi pembelajaran yang agak relax & boleh dikatakan efficient sebab student PDT akan belajar lebih detail compared to student PST (satu tahun)

- Result keluar pukul 3, Syuk masih ada kuliah waktu tu.. Dalam pukul 4, cik ASHIKIN AMNAN (My BESTFRIEND a.k.a makcik gedik from MATRIK GAMBANG, PAHANG) text me a message.. She stated that "KTE DPT 4FLATTTTTT!!!! OMGGGGGG :o :o :D :D".. Deng it, at the moment.. I can't even focus on lecture session anymore.. Firstly, I felt like 'WOWW, SHIKIN HEBAT.. SYUKUR ALHAMDULLILAH" and my final taught was 'MACAM MANA PULA RESULT AKU? Bestfriend aku 4flat, happynyaa jadi SHIKIN".. Darah gemuruh waktu tu memang tak boleh dikawal lagi, satu kuliah buat muka tension.. Lecturer Fizik kitorang pon dah naik tension sbb tengok muka tension kitorang.. Last exercise from her, she asked us to solve the last question which is no 4.. Suddenly, she said "4 untuk 4FLAT!".. masa tu Syuk dah ckp 'Ya Allah, AMIN YA RABBAL ALAMIN".. :')

- lebih kurang 4.30 something, Syuk tengok ramai gila orang kat notice board KMPP tu sebab tengok Result secara 'berjemaah'.. HAHAHA..

- MASA MAKIN KRITIKAL, MOOD pon dah TAK BALANCE gila sehingga air mata menitis sikit sebab terlalu cemas masa tu.. SOFEA (H1P5) jadi saksi.. kan sofea kan? dia yang cuak tengok Syuk masa tu. HAHAHAHA !!!

- Suddenly, Syuk cakap "dah tiba masanya, Tawakkaltu Alallah, Bismillahirahmanirahimm~", perlahan2 mencari no matrik dan IC.. okay dah jumpaa! MS111350*9*8.. 930911-1*-*4*9.. Syuk mula gerakkan pandangan tu ke kanan perlahan-lahan.. Mula menghitung bilangan 'A' solid.. Okay 1,2,3,4,5 then haaa ENAMMM??!!!.. Tengok nak dekat-dekat hujung, pointer '4'!!!!!!!!!!

- Syuk terus toleh belakang dan menjerit 'YESSSSSS!!!! 4 FLAT!!!!!!'.. SubhanaAllah.. Lama tunggu detik2 sebegini.. Lama Syuk cari since PMR & SPM lagi.. Syuk pernah berdoa "Ya Allah, kurniakan aku kecemerlangan dan aku ingin selalu rasa menitiskan air mata kerana pencapaian yang aku peroleh".. Alhamdullillah, waktu tu.. Air mataku tak henti-henti menitis ke BUMI.. Ya Allah, Anugerah yang cukup INDAH.. Cuba call ibu & ayah.. then tak angkat... Call kak yani dulu.. dalam menangis-nangis & terloncat-loncat tu bagitau dia Syuk dapat 4flat.. Then baru dapat call ayah ngn ibu.. SUBHANALLAH.. HUAAAAAA, besar sungguh anugerah kali ni.. Alhamdullilah..

- Lepas dapat result uh, Syuk terus pegi bilik pensyarah.. Naik tangga terjumpa dengan En Rashimi (Kaunselor KMPP).. Actually banyak cerita belakang tabir antara Syuk ngn cikgu ni.. Time buat pilihan antara 'Matrik' dengan 'Asasi Seni Bina, UM' dulu jumpa dia.. Time kecewa & hampa dengan paper 1 (math final exam) haritu jumpa dia jugak.. Dia kata masa tu "Awak dah hilang keyakinan utk dpt A solid dalam math, subjek lain jangan kacau.. maintainkan target A".. Then kat tangga haritu, terus peluk dia dan luahkan perasaan Syuk masa tu kat dia.. Lepas je dia dengar Syuk dapat 4flat, dia terus cium dahi Syuk.. Ya Allah, Syuk dapat rasakan kasih sayang seorang Ayah pada waktu tu.. Even tak dpt sambut kejayaan ni dengan family yang tersayang masa tu.. Sangat menghargai beliau.. :')

- Then, Syuk jumpa seramai mana pensyarah yang boleh untuk ucapkkan terima kasih.. Ada dua orang Pensyarah titiskan air mata diorg.. (sbb tgk mata Syuk yang dah bengkak kot).. HAHAHA! Alhamdullilah, before exam start hari tu.. Syuk jumpa semua pensyarah & mohon restu diorg.. Alhamdullilah.. Hari tu Syuk dapat kongsikan kejaayaan itu bersama mereka..

- Pastu, Syuk pergi surau sebab nak buat sujud Syukur.. Jumpa pula kawan baik Syuk kt matrik. Nasih.. Dia tengah menangis juga.. Syuk tanya kenapa? dia kata dia dapat 4 flat and dia tak PERCAYA.. ya Allah, same goes to me. SYUK TAK PERCAYA..!!! ahahaha. masa tu sedih gak. but Syuk kuatkan diri sbb nak chill downkan dia.. :')

- Alhamdullilah, beberapa minit kemudian.. Hampir semua geng2 study group Syuk time study week hari tu dapat 4Flat jugak, low pon dlm 3.5 above.. Zaahir.. Nasih.. Yang paling best, Syuk ada ajar Haziq (kawan sekolah & kawan kat matrik).. Syuk ajar dia Physic.. 3 Chapter terakhir.. 3 jam berturut-turut sekali buat latihan dengan dia.. Alhamdullilah.. dia dapat A for PHYSIC!!! and yang paling penting dia dapat 4FLAT jugakk!!! Ya Allah.. betapa bersyukurnya aku terhadapmu.. Hati & mulutku takkan pernah cukup mengungkapkan perkataan "SYUKUR, ALHAMDULLILAH, SUBHANALLAH!"..

Pemberian & Hadiah Yang Indah dari-NYA.. ALHAMDULLILAH.. Aku bersyukur kepadanya.. :')

Al Quran

Ayat yang selalu memotivasikan diriku..

Jangan gentar, jangan bersedih, Allah sentiasa bersama kita -


The best PART !! This Girl.. My beloved Niece.. Syuk bawak dia jalan-jalan before Syuk balik Penang balik 2 minggu lepas.. Syuk borak dengan dia je dari One Utama, Damansara sampai rumah.. My dialogue was like this, "Alisya.. Alisya.. Alisya doakan Pak Usu dapat result gempak yee minggu depan.. 3.0 ke atas pon dah bersyukur sangat.. Nanti pak usu belikan Icha, adik Alif, Mia & Anas mainan okay? Amin..." dia pon ckp "Okay, Aminn..." On that day, I felt like soo gifted to have them in my life..

*Thanks sebab doakan PAK USU yee ALISYA, ALIF, DAMIA & ANAS.. :')*

p/s : Mungkin ada yang tertanya, SYUK tak yakin paper MATH Syuk dapat A.. Suddenly kenapa dapat 'A'?? Itulah apa yang Syuk pernah cuba sampaikan kat Status Facebook Syuk 6-7 Hari sebelum Result keluar..

"Selepas berusaha & berdoa.. Maka bertawakallah wahai insan.. InsyaAllah, bagi mereka yang hidup & bertawakal.. Mereka akan merasakan keajaiban 'Tawakal'.. ♥ :')"

-Allah itu sentiasa ada, dia tidak pernah tidur.. Allah lihat pada usaha hambanya, bukan pada apa yang hambanya lakukan pada hari 'exam' tersebut..-

Moga apa yang Syuk peroleh adalah kerana Redha & Rahmatnya.. Takkan Ku harap jika pemberian ini hanyalah dinamakan "Istidraj" (Allah beri kejayaan tetapi tidak meredhainya)..

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, Syuk mohon, tiada niat ingin bongkak atau takbur disini.. Syuk hanya ingin berkongsi, pengalaman Syuk dalam proses Tawakal & merasai keajaiban dan kekuasaan ALLAH S.W.T.. Tak lebih dari itu.. Sekian.. Take care semua.. :')


Thanks F2P4 2011/2012, Glad to have you !!


'At the center one is my Lecturer yang Syuk dok cita dari tadi. Physic Lecturer Sabariah.. And the woman in Turqoise Dress is my Physic Lecturer also, Miss Su..'


This Girls.. Totally super power!! 3.0 Above semuanya.. Hebat2.. Tahniah.. 2nd Sem 4Flat la tu.. AMINNN.. :D


Barisan Pensyarah PHYSIC yang berwibawa dan 'caring' gitu di KMPP. hahaha!


Student F2P5, perghh.. Selama satu Sem satu tutor Science Comp dgn diorg.. Terbaik.. terbaik.. Dah la semua Genius-genius belaka.. Thanks Allah.. :)
p/s : At the center one is our Director of Penang Matriculation College.. SO NICE! :D


This is my birthday Present.. from the Super Power Girl up there ^^ just now.. Without this present, I dont think I've a strength to strive a best result in Semester 1.. :')


Last2, My CHEMISTRY SK016 Lecturer.. Miss ROHANI.. SHE AWESOME!! F2 LOVE HER so much :D

Thanks a lot & CREDIT to my SEMESTER 1 Lecturer

Lect. Sabariah (Physic)
Lect. Suriati (Physic)
Lect. Hanisha (Physic)
Lect. Shariza (English)
Lect. Rohani (Chemistry)
Lect. Mazretha (Chemistry)
Lect. Noriah (Chemistry)
Lect. Suhaila Hanim (Chemistry)
Lect. QuratulAin (Computer Science)
Lect. Suwarna (Computer Science)
Lect. Amran (Computer Science)
Lect. Choo Ai Joo (Pre-Calculus)
Lect. Aishah (Pre-Calculus)
Lect. Noor Azimah (Pre-Calculus)
Lect. Latifah (Islamic Studies)


Saturday, September 24, 2011

'Seventy Seven'

'Seventy Seven'??
What is meant by '77' ??

'77 days' after (9/7/2011), at last I've got some inspiration and time to update my personal blog.. It's been a while right?
p/s : Eleh Syuk, macam ade orang kesah plak dengan perkembangan kau. Hahaha.. It's okay, macam ade aku kesah plak dengan orang yang tak kesah dengan perkembangan aku.. (Okay, Faint*)




Tara, all those peeps is my Classmate.. I love my practicum like the amount of star in the sky* Ayat tak boleh blaa~ HAHAHA.. Gambar ni di'Captured' selepas habis kuliah Mathematics QS015. :D

In Conclusion, I'm Busy (all the time) in order to finish the Matriculation Programme 2011/2012 .. Ini pun Syuk baru lepas balik Bengkel Kimia Gemilang for those yang tak dapat A in SPM but dapat A for UPS and for those yang dapat A in SPM but tak dapat A for UPS.. This workshop conducted by Unit Kimia, KMPP in order to give us a 'CheMistry' Motivation and in order to make sure that all effort that they've provided to us during this workshop will give a flying colour result for our Final Exam Result.. Not just get an 'A' for Chemisty, they also want us to get all 'A's for our Final Exam in Semester 1..

InsyaAllah, we will.. I will do the best for my Family, Relatives, Friends, Teachers & Lecturer and mostly "Lillahita'ala". :)

There are many stories during this period (9/7 until 24/9). I just introduce by using point :

1# 11 September is date of my Birthday ! At 11.58 pm (10 Sept 2011).. My bestfriend from Negeri Sembilan Matriculation College, Nadiah Khairi called me at the moment. In the next few minutes, I heard something... It was like 'Tutt.. tutt..' I thought my phone battery are going to die at that time.. I looked at my phone screen. GOSH! Upcoming Call by Fatin Ismaniza, (My Friends from UiTM Alor Gajah).. As usual, wished for my birthday.. Few minutes after, line coverage goin like 'Insane'.. In a short second, Maxis sent me a message "You have 18(total missed calls) from blablabla. number since 12:01pm 11.09.11" and I was LIKE 'LOL'!!!
Thanks a lot for those people. Disebabkan Hari Jadi, so pelanggan Maxis dapat Free Calls, Syuk pun call mereka kembali..

p/s : tak percaya? sudah~ Hanya orang yang cemburu akan bertanggap sedemikian rupa..

Once Again, THANKS A LOT !! Love You !! <3







**The Family = My Cousin Abg E' , Kak Fiza and their daughter 'Nurin Afiqah' stayed at Kulim. Thanks sebab ajak tidur rumah. Heee..

**Those three Girls, they're my friend.. In initial, my friendship just between me and Wan Noor Syazlin,(the first girl from left on the last photo).. We knew each other from a Social Networking Website (FACEbaku).. The other girls is her roommate.. Since, I'm very talk-active person. Therefore, I can met one of the kind people in this world like them for sure. :D

***This people is one of the special person who has celebrated with me on my Birthday..
p/s : even I and My Family seperated far apart, they still the best for me.. Thanks for the 'Talking Ben' video Ayah & My Whole Family.. Its CUTEE!! :D***

(My Photograph during EID 2011)


NENEK !! Love You !!


My Sista with our Niece and Nephew





















3# Just nak ucap 'Alhamdullilah' banyak kali, I still can't believe that I've change my study style in effective way.. In Early Semester 1, most student are talk about their SPM Result, I thought I was the one, the only person goes under the edge compared to other student SPM result.. Well, kalau nak tahu, Syuk ni masa SPM study last minute.. One month before Exam baru terhegeh-hegeh nak buka Buku.. It's not effective!! Believe me, for a few person it might works but not for all.. I just do a frequently revision, focus in Lecture and Tutorial.. I guess, supportive advice from all my school (SMK Saujana Utama) teachers brought me a 'Spirit' to study smart.. Add on, I'm a person who are always show my appreciation for those who has taught me before (No matter in Education or Motivation).. As a matriculation student, UPS (mid semester exam) result is the main observation on what they've learned in the half of Semester 1.. Alhamdullilah again, I've made my GOAL!! It's not easy to achieved 4A's (solid) in Matriculation programme okay, either final nor mid exam.. It's hard. I've own it, Allah has answered my "Du'a".. I keep asking Him for a very successful result before. Yet, he still did not answer my prayer in SPM Result.. Now, you know la what I feel right now.. Even-though, it just a mid-sem-examnation.. Without the result, I don't think I'll continue my study much harder compared before. Conclude, pray for my PSPM.. I wish I'll be a Medical Physicist one day~ Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin :)

<3 Chemistry <3

4# Raya at KMPP.. Ya Allah, see all these photo.. Then, you will know how my feeling was at that time.. Sumpah BEST!!











Barisan Pensyarah Fizik (Subjek yang saya amat-amat suka)
Thanks for the all knowledge Teacher, especially Lect. Sabariah..







Lect. Chemistry, Cik Rohani.. Dia ni kawan dengan Le Chartelier.. HAHAHA!
One of the best Chemistry Teacher I've ever had. :D


SUMMARY : I guess that all for today, I'll be busy in this 4 Weeks for the Final Exam Preparation.. Wish me all the best.. Hope to see you guys back after 3rd November.. Take Care.. :)