Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sebuah Pertemuan

Tree Friend's

- Sebuah Pertemuan -

Perhatian !!! : Entry kali ni penuh dengan gambar.. Pastikan anda mempunyai Internet yang laju sebelum anda terseksa nampak kotak putih sajaa..

Assalamualaikum, tak jawab dosa.. Kalau jawab? Sayangg~~ (saya tak tiru anwar hadi# haha) . Last week, Azmizam, Fatin Nadiah, Khalidah Majnin and Syuk has planned 'Friendly Outing'.. We've choosed Yesterday, which is Monday (2 May 2011).

Azmizam, Fatin Nadiah and Khalidah Majnin.. They're my Puncak Alam friend's. Yes, I'm SESAT.. Haha! I live at Saujana Utama .. They live at Puncak Alam.. (We're still neighbourhood LOL~ Lain Kawasan Je..)
Kami Kenal Melalui FACEBOOK.. :)

Malangnya, Khal shopping too much with her sister.. So she can't join us yesterday.. Sob Sob#

K/H (Kata Hati) which is meaning equally with P/S : Fatin Nadiah baru bangun youuuuu masa kitorang dah sampai umah dia~ Hahaha.. Its okay, kitorang pergi isi minyak dan beli topup dahulu.. Sampai je rumah dia, WAHH.. Fast-Moving betul budak sorang ni.. Cool :) Hehe..

# My Photography, No Copy-copy, Hahaha #

We all went to Times Square, New York after picked up Fatin.. LOL.. Kuala Lumpur actually.. LOL.. Lepas sampai, kitorang pusing2 dulu TS, kitorang cari Jacket Ejam yang dah Hilang.. Hahaha!

Beli by the way..
TeeHee.. (Yes, I'm Niga Higa Fans LOL!) Haha.. We've found lot of choices for Ejam new jacket but then the price is all RM100 and above at that moment.. LOL..

K/H again : We all still young and we don't think that we're going to waste our money just for a Jacket at that moment. Add on, we're not depending everything with our parent's money :)

We can't find any jacket with reasonable price at that moment. So we've decided to find 'Kedai Kegilaan Fatin' which is 'My Star Shop' as shown below# - My Star Shop sell lot of K-POP merchandise.. It's a bit cossy, but for the K-POP fans, Money is Nothing.. What they want is just "K-POP Merchandise with their favorite K-POP artist photo" LOL~ Hahaha..

My Star Times Square Level 5

Korean Artist Cup

There's lot of Mug Printed with Famous K-POP Artist

Ft Island

Lee Hong Gi ! OMG, I Love You ! okay that's gay.. Haha. I Don't, trust me.. Ft Island is my favorite K-POP !

Super Junior Keychain

Super Junior Keychain, Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.. RM9.90 -,-

Men Thought about Justin Bieber

While waiting for Fatin buying her stuff, Syuk and Ejam went to a small bookstore nearly there. Then, I saw .. "OMG, It's bieber.. Bieber" Haha.. But Sorry Bieber, We're taller than u in this picture.. XD, Haha..

After Ejam bought his New Jacket and Fatin bought her K-POP stuff.. Kitorang pergi Taman Tasik Pemaisuri, Cheras.. Lama tak pergi sini.. Ouhh, Rindunyaa.. Last pergi 3 Tahun lepas.. Since my sister get married, diorang pindah.. Nasib baik lawa lagi. Haha :)

Malay Twilight

Azmizam and Fatin Nadiah, I'm going to miss you guys#

Maybe this will be the last outing for us this year.. I'll busy with my futher studies at Penang Matriculation College until April 2012 or maybe at any University, if I've got other futher studies offer. Same goes to Ejam, He will attend for PLKN on this 16th May, then He will go study at any University la for sure at that moment.. Fatin will take seat for SPM this year.. Pray for her and Us also..

We're going to be a Successful Person Dunia Akhirat.. Let's Amin For Us Everyone :)
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin..

Waiting Outside The Line

No Worries Ejam, PLKN wont be like PRISON.. Stop posing like that. Hahaha.. You'll be fine :)

Oppss !

Stop Right There. OPPS! Haha..

Laugh Out Loud

Edward & Emma

Future Thought

After Strings

Dream of Nature

Masa on the way balik, Kami Karaoke dalam kereta.. Kebanyakkan lagu K-POP lol.. Haha

Last but not least, Thanks for the Yesterday.. I'll Miss You Guys Soo Much :)

1 comment:

  1. chop2..bkn kedai yg korea tu xleh snap pic ke??aritu membe syaz pgg je kot kamera bkn nk snap pun...cina tu dh halau kuar =="
