Justin Bieber Feverrr.. Why ? because U Smile I Smile laahhh.. :)
Today, 22 April 2011..
Tired Day actually but then hilang semua rasa penat tu, lepas Syuk shoot video for 'Pertandingan Sorak SMKSU 2011' . Perghhhh.. Nothin much to say, just superb and a bit creative lol korang tahun ni.. Not bad, good try. Nice one Saujanarians. You Guys ROCK !
Special Thanks is dedicated to 'Teacher Tanty" sebab invited me to shoot video for this kind of ceremony. Lot of Fun kottt.. Thanks Teacher for everthing. Appriciated that, :') .
Tak lupa juga, Thanks to All Saujanarians sebab sudi terima kehadiran 'EX-SENIOR' korang ni untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebegini.. I believed that SMKSU Student, ramai yang berbakat in 'Photography and Videography.' Syuk boleh je cancel if you guys nak hari tu..
P/S : Knapa Syuk cakap macam ni ? Sebabnya.. Syuk dapat rasakan mesti ada orang yang berkata 'Dia ni lagi..?? Bagi la orang lain plak, habis sekolah duduk rumah la. Hahaha'
I don't care what people will say towards me.. I'm doing this, for your own sake gak kott.. I don't want you guys buat bende ni sampai tak masuk kelas, lambat and blablabla.. etc...
Soo, I just do this for u guys.. Sebab suba taknak susahkan siapa-siapa pun.. Peace :')
Hari ini hari bahagia. Syukur sangat2.. Lot of my juniors from Form 1 - 5 (2010) tegur Syuk .. Touching bhaii... Ingat dah lupa dahh.. Hehe.. Even ade gak few student from Form 1 (2011) berkenalan ngn Syuk tadi, Alhamdullilah.. Semoga ukhuwah kita sampai ke akhirat.. Amin :)
"Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah.." I want to say this over and over again.. :')
For the video I Can't promise bila boleh upload... Syuk promised ngan cikgu Tanty untuk transfer edited video pon Isnin ni.. Give me a little bit moment to get this thing done.. I'll upload one day.. No worries :) Gotta Go.. Bye.. Salam
.. I Will Miss This Stage :') ..