Friday, April 22, 2011

U Smile I Smile

Justin Bieber Feverrr.. Why ? because U Smile I Smile laahhh.. :)

Today, 22 April 2011..
Tired Day actually but then hilang semua rasa penat tu, lepas Syuk shoot video for 'Pertandingan Sorak SMKSU 2011' . Perghhhh.. Nothin much to say, just superb and a bit creative lol korang tahun ni.. Not bad, good try. Nice one Saujanarians. You Guys ROCK !

Special Thanks is dedicated to 'Teacher Tanty" sebab invited me to shoot video for this kind of ceremony. Lot of Fun kottt.. Thanks Teacher for everthing. Appriciated that, :') .
Tak lupa juga, Thanks to All Saujanarians sebab sudi terima kehadiran 'EX-SENIOR' korang ni untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebegini.. I believed that SMKSU Student, ramai yang berbakat in 'Photography and Videography.' Syuk boleh je cancel if you guys nak hari tu..

P/S : Knapa Syuk cakap macam ni ? Sebabnya.. Syuk dapat rasakan mesti ada orang yang berkata 'Dia ni lagi..?? Bagi la orang lain plak, habis sekolah duduk rumah la. Hahaha'

I don't care what people will say towards me.. I'm doing this, for your own sake gak kott.. I don't want you guys buat bende ni sampai tak masuk kelas, lambat and blablabla.. etc...
Soo, I just do this for u guys.. Sebab suba taknak susahkan siapa-siapa pun.. Peace :')

Hari ini hari bahagia. Syukur sangat2.. Lot of my juniors from Form 1 - 5 (2010) tegur Syuk .. Touching bhaii... Ingat dah lupa dahh.. Hehe.. Even ade gak few student from Form 1 (2011) berkenalan ngn Syuk tadi, Alhamdullilah.. Semoga ukhuwah kita sampai ke akhirat.. Amin :)

"Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah.." I want to say this over and over again.. :')

For the video I Can't promise bila boleh upload... Syuk promised ngan cikgu Tanty untuk transfer edited video pon Isnin ni.. Give me a little bit moment to get this thing done.. I'll upload one day.. No worries :) Gotta Go.. Bye.. Salam

.. I Will Miss This Stage :') ..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Berat Tapi Ringan

" Berat Tapi Ringan "

'Berat Tapi Ringan' ? There must be something with this statement right ? Here's the story, aku tak dapat interview for 'Sarjana Muda Sains (Seni Bina)', which is one of my big dream .. Syuk sangat Moody Selasa until Maghrib Semalam..

Alhamdullilah, My Family always supporting me.. Pttffff... Berat.. Berat sangat ujian kelmarin.. Kalau ter-menangis tu no wonder la kan ? Hahaha.. No Worries, I'm Fine now.. Very-very fine.. Hehe.. This is what we called ' ART OF LIFE ' .. Sometimes, our drawing mesti nampak buruk and sometimes, lukisan kita nampak cantik .. Itulah Seni Kehidupan :)

Kelmarin, tak payah ceritalah macam mana sakitnya.. Memang sakit sangatlah, Macam ditikam-tikam jantung ni, gelap dunia.. But...

Alhamdullilah.. His 'Nur' fading back into my life slowly.. Now I can accept the destiny that I've got no sustenance on that course at UiTM..

"It's okay, Allah always knew the best for me, That's it.. I'm not the only one person who faced this situation, Allah knows everything, let it be.. You still have a chance.. :)" whispered from my little heart yesterday ..

Fuhhh, lega sudah.. Now aku percaya yang Allah hanya akan menguji hambaNya yang mampu menempuhi ujianNya itu.. Dengar dari telinga Ujian Berat bunyinya, tapi bila sudah jumpa hikmahnya.. Terasa sangat Ringan Ujian ini..

And Now I'm Back ! Happy For Me, hehe.. Alhamdulillah .. :)

After This...

If I get an offer for Architectural Studies after this, I'll go for that..
If I get an offer for other than Architectural Studies, I just believe that Allah knew it's the most suitable course for me and I've to fight for the best..
Just Pray For Me Everyone, We'll Success in Our Life..
InsyaAllah, Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Assabru Minal Iman

Hmmmm.. Hmmmmm...

I've got no words to say..
I've heard a sound of broken heart inside of my body..
Seriously, what's wrong with me..
I've got no more tears to let it pour to the ground..
My head, my mind, my heart, my body..
Is all about Pain.. Pain.. Pain..

I've promised once, I'll fight for it, I'll start from now on..

" Ya Allah, Permudahkan Urusanku.. "

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tanda Kiamat Sudah Dekat ( Ringkas )

Malam ni Syuk tiba-tiba terbuka video tentang 'Petanda-petanda yang Allah telah dan sedang tunjukkan menjelang hari kiamat' . Maka Syuk membuat pelbagai rujukan untuk mendapatkan kesahihan atas apa yang bakal Syuk tulis dalam post baru ini .. Semoga kita semua sentiasa mendapat Rahmat dan Berkah Allah S.W.T... Amin..

( Malay Entry )

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W Bersabda : "Kiamat tidak akan terjadi sehingga lenyapnya Ilmu, banyak terjadi Gempa Bumi, Waktu berlalu terlalu Cepat, munculnya pelbagai Fitnah dan banyak terjadi Pembunuhan."

Tidak boleh dinafikan lagi wahai Muslimin & Muslimat ..

- Gempa Bumi terlalu banyak, bagi tahun 2011 sahaja sudah 970 kali pada '11 April 2011' telah dicatatkan..

- Waktu berlalu terlalu cepat, sememangnya apa yang saya dan orang-orang sekeliling saya rasakan sekarang..

- Munculnya pelbagai Fitnah, memang banyak sekali, mungkin tak terhitung dek Jari Manusia.. Mungkin tidak lama lagi, fitnah Dajjal Al-Masih bakal muncul.. Nauzubillah minzalik..

- Banyak Terjadinya Pembunuhan, memang tak dapat dinafikan kalau kita semak kes pembunuhan didunia setiap hari, setiap bulan & setiap tahun sangat mendukacitakan dan mengerunkan.. Ini menunjukkan sifat Kemanusiaan Manusia yang makin luput..

Kiamat Bila Akan Berlaku ? Dalam Masa Yang Terdekat ? Lambat Lagi ? Wallahualam Bisawab..

.. 4 daripada 5 yang Nabi Muhammad Nyatakan Telah dan Sedang Berlaku ..

.. Namun, Banyak Lagi Tanda Kiamat Kecil & Besar Yang Telah Berlaku ..

.. Bersediakah Kita ? Cukupkah Amalan Kita ? Termasuk diri Saya Sendiri ? ..

Beristighfarlah, Mari Beristighfar ..

Astaghfirullahalazim.. Astaghfirullahalazim.. Astaghfirullahalazm..

" Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Maha Perkasa , Kami Memohon Ampun dan Taubat Terhadapmu Ya Rab , Kami Manusia Yang Lemah dan Kami Tidak Pernah Terlepas Dari Melakukan Dosa , Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Tuhan Yang Maha Menerima Taubat . Ya Jabbar, Kau Lindungilah Kami Yakni Kaum Akhir Zaman ini dari Pelbagai Bencana Akhir Zaman, Azab Seksa Kubur & Nerakamu Ya Allah.. Jauhkanlah Juga Kami Dari Fitnah Dajjal Al-Masih dan Fitnah Manusia .. Ya Wahhab, Berikan Nur dan Hidayahmu kepada Kami.. Ya Mumit, Matikanlah Kami dalam Keadaan Kami Sedang Beriman.. Amin Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.. "

Semoga ini dapat membantu menyedarkan saudara-saudara yang seagama denganku dan agar pahala yang kita perolehi selepas berkongsi dengan rakan-rakan dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa silam kita..

InsyaAllah.. Jazakallah..

[ Photograph by Myself, SyukPhotography ] - Gambar Pada Malam Nuzul Quran, Ramadhan Tahun Lepas..

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back To The Right Path

Assalamualaikum, kum apa kumbang, bang apa bangga, ga apa gaja, Ja apa JAWAB SALAM LA !

hehehee... :D

Firstly, I wanna say 'Alhamdullilah' .. I had covered all my regret feeling towards my past 'SPM Result' .. I don't know why people keep saying 'Congrats' for my result . There's a few people said 'Wow, your grade for all subject you've took for spm last year is quite strong, so Congrats' .. Arghhhhhh .. Anyway, Thanks for the wishes and the supportive comments guys. Well done ! :)

Yesterday, on the 6th April 2011. Besides on my story bout a girl with purdah yang Syuk post semalam . I've posted the new entry about a girl with purdah right after the ceremony ended . What I'm going to story right now is totally big different topic okay?

On the Usrah yesterday, the discussion between the ustaz and all of us yesterday really touched my heart (terasa macam tu laa. hehe..) . Dia membicarakan tentang ' Kita Sebagai Manusia, Setiap Perkara Yang Kita Lakukan Hanya Bergantung Kepada Allah S.W.T ' . Okay agak terasa disitu .. Before Result aku mohon sampai menangis-nangis, but then aku lupa akan Hikmah Allah, kenapa dia tak makbulkan doa atas apa yang aku hajatkan. Semua pasti ada hikmahnya, aku percayakan atas segala Qada & Qadar nya :)

[ p/s : biasalah Iman manusia ni bertambah dan berkurang, namun aku tak boleh give up untuk menjadi hamba yang taat akan perintah Allah :') ]

I guess I've got no character of being a 'Tawakal' person before the spm result day, that's why laa I can't accept the destiny of my spm result eventhough It's quite better than my other friends and my same-age relatives (Saudara-mara) .. Hohoo..

Since that day, I've turned into a bad guy kot. Suka lambat-lambatkan solat and kerja Syuk tidur, makan, mandi, melalak dan perkara-perkara yang 'Laghah' . Why? Depressed with my results.. I Aim for straight A's kot but then DUSH-DUSH-DUSH .. (Ini lah saat manusia yang mana Iman mereka berkurangan) Hehehee..

My Question is " Kenapa Gred 'B' For Certain Subject tu tak Transform Into 'A-' at least ..? -.- "

My Answer is " Allah Tahu Apa Yang Terbaik Buat Kita, Redha dan Sabaarrrr Jelaa. :) "

Sooo guys, aku nak ingatkan 'Kalau Allah tak makbulkan sesuatu permintaan kita pasti ada Keburukan ataupun Musibah disebalik Permintaan kita tu atau mungkin Allah akan kurniakan kita Rahmatnya Yang Lebih Besar dari apa yang kita harapkan, kita hanya perlu PERCAYA :)

Jom Tingkatkan Ketaqwaan Kita Kepada Allah SWT & Ingatlah, Perjalanan Kita Masih Panjang

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


.. Eyes, Keep Watching ..

I went to my cousin house for 'Usrah', which is 'Ceramah Agama' for the other name . Kitorang sedara-sedara usually akan buat usrah dengan 'Ustaz Uda Kassim' dua minggu sekali . Tak kenal Ustaz Uda Kassim ? Yang selalu bagi ceramah kat Selangor.Fm tu lah dia. Hehee. Back to the story, while I'm waiting before the 'Usrah' begin, I've looked around the living room . Then, I've saw a girl with 'Purdah' . Tertengok mata dia sekali imbas . MasyaAllah, Allah gave her a very beautiful eyes .. Agak hilang konsentratsi untuk mendengar Usrah disitu .. Astagfirullahalazim, fokus ! fokus ! hehe.. Selesai saja 'Usrah', semua tetamu dijemput menjamu selera .. Tup tup tup.. After dinner, I didn't realized that she's already gone .. Nada-nada kesedihan disitu ..

No worries, everything always happens for a reason right ? I found that, Allah want to show me that " Beauty Doesn't Last Forever, Only 'IMAN' Will Stay With Us Forever " . You don't get the point ? Okay, let me show you ..

" Beauty Doesn't Last Forever " - Allah show me the beauty of his creature just for a few moment then the beauty of his creature just disappeared ..

" Only 'IMAN' Will Stay With Us Forever " - No matter where the beauty has gone, If I can't control my 'IMAN' , mesti Syuk tak senang duduk lepas tu. But then, the 'IMAN' has covered all my feeling towards the beauty .. Which means, InsyaAllah.. IMAN, if we take care of our 'IMAN' .. Every single thing in this 'World' and 'Afterlife' will always look beautiful from our sight .. Amin .. :)

Love Ya ! <3

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Architect in Making









P/S : Chemical Engineer , Medical Lab Tech and Civil Engineer sesat tiba-tiba .. Tapi, siapa tahu ada rezeki kat situ kan ? Hehe ..

I really hope for Architecture Course tu, no matter what people talking about this career.. Seorang arkitek takde life or anything, semua tu depends on that person yang study Architecture ni la kan ?

Just pray for me eh korang ?

InsyaAllah , the 'AR' title are goin to be mine .. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin ..

Good Place

I don't know what I'm doing here

How I landed in this space

But it's a good place

And I don't wanna mess it up

Make mistakes or say too much

'Cause it's a good place You find it, you hold it

You feel its grace

I don't wanna wait until I fall I could be a memory tomorrow

I could be nothing at all

These are words I wanna say

Every hour of every day

These are words that say how good it feels

To be here with you today

I hope it's not too late, I hope it's not too late

" World is a GOOD Place, Paradise is a PERFECT Place "

' This is For You Guys My Family, My Relatives, My Best Friends, My Friends, My Senior and My Junior '

Syuk Iyagi

Assalamualaikum !

Always begin everything with بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

First of All, I would like to introduce myself .

I'm Muhammad Syukri Bin Norhamshah . I'm 18 YO

Alhamdullilah, Thank You Allah

For Everything You've Done For Me

This Blog was inspired by myself just now, at 2 p.m, 06 April 2011

I'm going to write everything in English and Malay for this Blog (Rojak-ing, Haha..)

By the way, some of my Facebook friends keep asking me "What is SYUK IYAGI ?"

Syuk, For sure it's my name, Iyagi which is mean Story in Korean .

So I can put em' together ' Syuk Iyagi ' And Yeah, New Story Has Just Begun !

" Jadilah Burung , Bukan Ranting "