Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back To The Right Path

Assalamualaikum, kum apa kumbang, bang apa bangga, ga apa gaja, Ja apa JAWAB SALAM LA !

hehehee... :D

Firstly, I wanna say 'Alhamdullilah' .. I had covered all my regret feeling towards my past 'SPM Result' .. I don't know why people keep saying 'Congrats' for my result . There's a few people said 'Wow, your grade for all subject you've took for spm last year is quite strong, so Congrats' .. Arghhhhhh .. Anyway, Thanks for the wishes and the supportive comments guys. Well done ! :)

Yesterday, on the 6th April 2011. Besides on my story bout a girl with purdah yang Syuk post semalam . I've posted the new entry about a girl with purdah right after the ceremony ended . What I'm going to story right now is totally big different topic okay?

On the Usrah yesterday, the discussion between the ustaz and all of us yesterday really touched my heart (terasa macam tu laa. hehe..) . Dia membicarakan tentang ' Kita Sebagai Manusia, Setiap Perkara Yang Kita Lakukan Hanya Bergantung Kepada Allah S.W.T ' . Okay agak terasa disitu .. Before Result aku mohon sampai menangis-nangis, but then aku lupa akan Hikmah Allah, kenapa dia tak makbulkan doa atas apa yang aku hajatkan. Semua pasti ada hikmahnya, aku percayakan atas segala Qada & Qadar nya :)

[ p/s : biasalah Iman manusia ni bertambah dan berkurang, namun aku tak boleh give up untuk menjadi hamba yang taat akan perintah Allah :') ]

I guess I've got no character of being a 'Tawakal' person before the spm result day, that's why laa I can't accept the destiny of my spm result eventhough It's quite better than my other friends and my same-age relatives (Saudara-mara) .. Hohoo..

Since that day, I've turned into a bad guy kot. Suka lambat-lambatkan solat and kerja Syuk tidur, makan, mandi, melalak dan perkara-perkara yang 'Laghah' . Why? Depressed with my results.. I Aim for straight A's kot but then DUSH-DUSH-DUSH .. (Ini lah saat manusia yang mana Iman mereka berkurangan) Hehehee..

My Question is " Kenapa Gred 'B' For Certain Subject tu tak Transform Into 'A-' at least ..? -.- "

My Answer is " Allah Tahu Apa Yang Terbaik Buat Kita, Redha dan Sabaarrrr Jelaa. :) "

Sooo guys, aku nak ingatkan 'Kalau Allah tak makbulkan sesuatu permintaan kita pasti ada Keburukan ataupun Musibah disebalik Permintaan kita tu atau mungkin Allah akan kurniakan kita Rahmatnya Yang Lebih Besar dari apa yang kita harapkan, kita hanya perlu PERCAYA :)

Jom Tingkatkan Ketaqwaan Kita Kepada Allah SWT & Ingatlah, Perjalanan Kita Masih Panjang

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